Scientists tell us that everything, the whole universe, is pure energy, even the most solid and dense objects, when reduced to the smallest particles’ level, are in about 99.99% empty space. Even these particles are swirls of energy, too. They are constantly pulsating, vibrating and changing position, so matter is just an illusion. It’s our brains that trick us into thinking that we are very much physical beings but it is clear that all our being and everything around us is energy in different states of density and manifestation.

Everything that exists is part of and is ‘suspended’ within the energy field of the universe. Everything we experience with our five senses as solid, liquid, gaseous and separate from everything else is in fact interrelated and interconnected swirls of energy. Smaller particles exist within larger ones so by nature they affect one another. If we realize that we are also made of these swirls of energy or energetic fields, immersed in a massive unified sea of energy called the universe, using a physical body as a vehicle to carry out intentions and experience the world around us, our perspective shifts dramatically. At this level, the extra-sensory abilities of mediums, spiritual healers or clairvoyants become a normal skill like to have.

This very principle is utilized when carrying out spiritual healing at a distance. Distant healing is a remote healing therapy that is done distantly without a person being physically present with the healer in the therapy room. This is because a trained and skillful energy field healer with permission (energy field healers work according to the principle that a person is a sacred temple and therapy cannot be conducted without their permission) can access the other person’s energy field to assess imbalance and energy blocks caused by stuck emotions, traumatic life experiences or ancestral inheritance that cause the vital force to slow down and stagnate in their bodies. We use up a massive amount of energy to store these difficult experiences and emotions in our energy field, to keep our fears at bay. They hinder the flow of positive life experiences into our lives so they need transforming to free up this precious life force so we could utilize it to build a better future for ourselves and realize our full potential. The healer acts as an instrument of channeling subtle energies of high frequency to aid healing and growth.

To carry out a distant healing we need a current photograph of a person that acts as an ‘interface’ or a connection link and their details such us name, date of birth and location e.g. home, hospital, hotel room. Distant healing works as well as when the client is present with the therapist in the treatment room. After the healing is carried out, the client gets a report in the form of an email with the main findings.