Optimal Health and Well-being Scan with Quantec 3-month package

What an illness really is

In the light of the new quantum theory, the disease is an energetic imbalance and a message from your body that its homeostasis has been seriously disturbed and it requires your urgent attention and help. If this imbalance continues for a longer period of time, it will eventually manifest itself in the body as discomfort, pain, inflammation or even cancerous changes.
You are the sum of your life experience. There are many different types of ailments, illnesses and health challenges. Regardless of their nature, the most important thing is to find the root cause, their point of origin. Without it, we will not be able to restore balance, health and vitality to our body, mind and spirit; we will only mask the symptoms with medicines or invasive surgical procedures.

Quantec Therapy

quantec therapy birmingham oldbury

Quantec is a biocommunication device which detects imbalance, disease or a specific problem the person is dealing with. It finds the real cause of the problem and identifies a remedy needed for it. Quantec restores balance in the disturbed energy flows to promote physical health, mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Quantec is cutting-edge technology that can detect these energy vibrations in the body at the physical and energetic level (mental, emotional and spiritual) and identify the root cause of problems. Each disorder first appears in the energy field, and after some time it starts manifesting in the physical body. Therefore, any therapy that works on the physical body alone without identifying a deeper energetic cause behind the physical ailment brings unsatisfactory results or simply does not work. 

Quantec is a radionic device which is used to detect and identify various types of diseases, disorders, mental and emotional problems and traumas at the physical and energetic level.  Once these problems are identified, it creates an individual therapeutic program which is sent at a distance in the form of gentle balancing energy over a certain period of time, which improves health and well-being. It transmits the harmonizing energy at short time intervals 24/7. As a result, you feel healthier, stronger, have more energy and motivation to live your life and pursue your goals. Read more information about Quantec here.

Quantec Therapy is an innovative modality based on energy medicine principles, which works through the human energy field and assumes that both, health and illness, have a unique vibration characteristic for them. Knowledge of these vibrations makes it possible to distinguish between a healthy organ and a sick one, difficult emotions and positive ones, a problem and a remedy for it. 

Quantec therapy is safe and non-invasive, because it involves sending specific frequency vibrations that act on the specific problems which help restore normal energy flows and bring back balance in the body and energy field.

How does Quantec work –  therapy step by step:

  1. Quantec scans a current client’s photograph.
  2. Quantec detects imbalances and creates an individual therapeutic program.
  3. Quantec sends harmonizing energy at a distance.


Benefits of Quantec therapy:

-detects and balances disturbances at the physical, emotional, mental and     spiritual level

– helps alleviate physical ailments caused by energetic blocks in the energy field, enhances well-being and promotes wellness.

-identifies presence of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites and treats infections

-improves overall health and well-being

-helps speed up recovery after operations and wound healing

-identifies and helps recover from emotional traumas and mental disturbances

– identifies toxic substances in the body and aids detoxification process

– enhances mental processing and improves memory

– brings back natural state of well being

Booking a scan with Quantec 

Please email your request for a scan with Quantec to quantectherapyinfo@gmail.com. Your investment for a full Quantec Therapy package (3-month programme) is £300. In the package you receive an optimal health scan with an individual therapeutic programme tailored to your needs, a programme pdf for your reference, an initial phone call conversation to expain your scan findings and a follow-up phone call conversation every 3 weeks with additional guidance. 

If you would like to extend your therapy programme beyond 3 months, each subsequent month is £75

Payments to be made to the below UK bank account prior to carrying out a scan:

account number:10996666 , sort code: 11-10-86

International clients: IBAN GB67HLFX11108610996666, BIC HLFXGB21M26

Please familiarise yourself with the clinic’s terms and conditions

Optimal Health Scan with Quantec  for dogs and horses 3-month package

Animal Energy Field

More and more people become aware of the fact that an electro-magnetic field, often called aura, exists around all living beings, including animals, and despite the fact that it is not visible to the naked eye, it affects the animal’s behaviour.

Like humans, animals are on this planet for soul development. They eat and breathe like humans do. Animals also feel physical pain to the same intensity. And similar to humans, they experience a wide range of different emotions such as anger, grief and sadness, love and joy.

Healing a dog


From an animal healing therapist’s point of view, every single experience in an animal’s life is stored in their aura, whether it’s good or traumatic. Some events create more significant imprint than others. Overall, the energy of the animal’s aura tells a story that helps an energy therapist focus healing.

Animal’s traumas and difficult emotions like human’s need to be addressed and resolved. Quantec therapy is successfully used for animals such as dogs and horses as well. This treatment disperses trauma and re-balances the energy field. It reduces the animal’s pain and stress as well as helps them thrive.

Quantec therapy for dogs and horses:

-reveals physical concerns, both past and present that an animal can have

– supports veterinary medicine to treat various physical conditions and behavioural problems

-identifies and treats infections

-improves overall health and well-being

-helps speed up recovery after operations and wound healing

-identifies and helps recover from emotional traumas and mental disturbances

– brings back natural state of well being

-removes toxins

This innovative device is excellent at supporting overall animal’s health and well-being. Energy medicine is a natural and holistic way to care for your dog or horse. Read more information about how Quantec works here.

It is also worth mentioning here that your pet may well be mimicking what’s going on with your health at that moment. It is a very intriguing phenomenon that often your pet mirrors to you your stiff hip, low mood and their itchy skin may mean that you have a problem letting go…

Does your animal carry a hidden message about your health? Perhaps, it is you who needs energy medicine? It may be an ‘ahh haa’ moment for you as well.

Booking a scan with Quantec for a dog or horse

Please email your request for a Quantec scan for your animal to quantectherapyinfo@gmail.com. Your investment for a full Quantec Therapy package (3-month programme) is £200. In the package you receive an optimal health scan with an individual therapeutic programme for your animal, a pdf, an initial phone call conversation to expain the scan findings and a follow-up phone call conversation every 3 weeks. 

If you would like to extend the therapy programme for your animal beyond 3 months, each subsequent month is £50. 

Payments to be made to the below UK bank account prior to carrying out a scan:

account number:10996666 , sort code: 11-10-86

International clients: IBAN GB67HLFX11108610996666, BIC HLFXGB21M26

Please familiarise yourself with the clinic’s terms and conditions

Out with the OLD, In with the NEW!

NEW life-changing programme with Quantec 3-month package

How to achieve success

Discover subconscious hindrances that run your life and sabotage your health, success and relationships.

Do you have dreams or ambitions you want to purse in life? Do you want to find solutions to life challenges you face? Do you wish to boost your motivation to create good things in life? I am certain that you do. We all have goals and desires in life. Growth is a natural aspect of human experience. When we grow and create, we feel alive!

You may have small goals such as growing vegetables or much bigger ones like starting a business or advancing a career. So, why so many people struggle to achieve their goals and get where they want to be?

Whatever answer you’re going to give, it’s not a fact, it’s an illusion you perceive to be true. You tell yourself a story about who you are and what you can achieve based on your limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are mental blocks and patterns that hold you back from being your greatest version! There are limiting in nature and sabotage your success, motivation and creation in life. They stop you from reaching your full potential in whatever you do.

Limiting beliefs tend to be subconscious and rule your life without you even knowing about them until they are noticed and brought into conscious awareness by somebody else.

Your subconscious mind may also store unresolved past emotional conflicts, and although they happened in the past, they affect your present experience and how you live your life here and now.

The rule of the thumb is that if you are struggling in a certain area of life (i.e. lack of success, insufficient finances, failed relationship), there is definitely a hidden obstacle that’s driving it.

If so, make a conscious decision to resolve it! Take an action now to deal with your limiting beliefs and other unconscious blocks!

Quantec is an innovative biocommunication device that can help you with your struggles and support you in achieving what you want. Read more information about Quantec here.

Quantec therapy can assist you to:

-gain an insight into the real cause of your difficulties and challenges

-reveal and transform limiting beliefs that hold you back

-detect and heal non-serving mental patterns that make your life difficult

-identify and resolve deep-rooted unresolved emotional conflicts- from prenatal period onwards- which affect your ability to achieve your life goals

-identify and recover from past emotional traumas and mental disturbances that echo though your life and diminish your ability to create success, abundance and great health

-achieve positive attitude and desired mental states

-increase your motivation and boot your discipline to purse your goals

-improve overall health and well-being

-reduce stress to improve your health and performance

-work with affirmations to support your success

-support weight loss goals and help you achieve optimal weight

-improve relationships and heal past relations

– pursue business goals such as: starting a business, boosting your business, advancing your career, learning new skills

-bring back your confidence and enhance self-esteem

SuccessRemember, if you believe you can do it, you can do it!

If you don’t believe you can do it, you cannot do it!




Book a life-changing scan with Quantec

Please email your request to book this programme to quantectherapyinfo@gmail.com. Your investment for a full Quantec Therapy package (3-month programme) is £300. In the package you receive a Quantec scan revealing the causes of your difficulties, a bespoke programme to tackle your struggle, a pdf of the findings, an initial phone call conversation to expain the scan findings and a follow-up phone call conversation every 3 weeks to keep you going. 

If you would like to extend this programme beyond 3 months then each subsequent month is £75

Payments to be made to the below UK bank account prior to carrying out a scan:

account number:10996666 , sort code: 11-10-86

International clients: IBAN GB67HLFX11108610996666, BIC HLFXGB21M26

Please familiarise yourself with the clinic’s terms and conditions

NEW De-stress yourself and boost your immune system

programme with Quantec 3-month package

Overcome stress and lead more peaceful and fulfilled life with Quantec therapy!

Stress can be a very useful tool when it comes to surviving. It is part of the survival fight or flight programming and is there to protect from harm. As long as it lasts for a fairly short period of time, it’s not so harmful. The problem starts when people live in permanent stress. This is because a stress reaction blocks the growth processes in the body and hinders energy production much needed for maintaining its vitality. The fight and flight response also compromises functioning of the immune system.

Overall, people living in a prolonged state of stress have difficulty repairing itself, building new cells, protecting itself from illnesses and absorbing vital nutrients from food.

Permanent stress also becomes worse over time and unresolved emotions mount up. Have you ever wondered why you sometimes become upset about a seemingly minor issue that has happened to you? It is because unresolved emotional or mental patterns become compounded in your energy field and when triggered sometime later, will provoke a disproportionately strong reaction to a relatively trivial event.

Many people think that it is impossible to avoid stressful life events. It is not about avoiding them but more importantly about handling stressful situations effectively and being able to return to balance after a stressful event has ended.


stressful lifeQuantec therapy will help you:

  • relieve stress to improve your health and performance
  • release tension and shock from your body
  • release anxieties caused by stress
  • improve your overall resilience and ability to handle stressful events
  • achieve mental calmness, inner strength and resourcefulness
  • boost your immune system and the ability to resist illnesses
  • recognise the importance to return to balance after a stressful event
  • help you oxygenate your body
  • help your balance your emotions
  • release non-serving emotional patterns


Booking this programme

Please email your request to book this programme to quantectherapyinfo@gmail.com. Your investment for a full Quantec Therapy package (3-month programme)  is £300. In the package you receive a Quantec scan and bespoke therapy programme aimed at relieving stress and boosting your immunity, a pdf of the findings, an initial phone call conversation to explain the scan findings and a follow-up phone call conversation every 3 weeks to keep you going.

If you would like to extend this programme beyond 3 months then each subsequent month is £75

Payments to be made to the below UK bank account prior to carrying out a scan:

account number:10996666 , sort code: 11-10-86

IBAN GB67HLFX11108610996666

Please familiarise yourself with the clinic’s terms and conditions

An Embrace of Light for a specific purpose

New energetic method to address specific needs

An Embrace of Light is a powerful and unique tool which can be used in the times of need for extra energetic support or for a specific purpose. It is a purpose built bubble of higher light that is placed by the therapist around the client to aid resolution of the client’s current need/ situation. It can be used in the following situations:

  • to aid good sleep
  • to provide protection in a difficult situation
  • to calm situation/ person down/ reduce stress
  • to hold love and light around somebody in challenging situations
  • to heal particular ailment or aid recovery, e.g. after a knee surgery
  • to help somebody go through a surgical procedure

Booking this therapy 

Please note that an Embrace of Light is not a full healing session like energy field healing at a distance and may not be appropriate if there is a need for long term healing. If you’re interested in this energetic support, please email your inquiry to quantectherapyinfo@gmail.com

Your investment for this service is £50, payable to the below UK bank account prior to carrying out a session:

account number:10996666 , sort code: 11-10-86

International clients: IBAN GB67HLFX11108610996666, BIC HLFXGB21M26

Please familiarise yourself with the clinic’s terms and conditions

 Energy Field Healing at a distance

distant healingEnergy Field Healing or Advanced Cleansing of Your Energy Field- what it is

This is a very forward looking and innovative approach to holistic care.  It is a unique and powerful healing technique that works on and with the energy field around your body, often called aura, to address physical, emotional and mental imbalances, in order to restore health and well-being. 

It involves clearing and removing heavy, blocked and stagnant energies as well as re-building and re-energizing the structure of the whole energy system. By doing so, it enables your energy to flow in a balanced way. Extraordinary healing effects of this therapy can be felt in every area of your life. It can aid and support all issues of ill-health or imbalance, whether physical, emotional or mental. It helps de-stress, achieve enhanced clarity of mind and a sense of peace and calm- as a result, it empowers people to make better life choices. It also helps active the body’s natural self healing mechanisms. It is a truly holistic healing technique. 

How is this done

The healer is trained to be sensitive to the subtle, invisible energies of the aura and brings higher vibrations and lighter energies to the client’s energy field to transform more dense energies.  The healer acts as a sensitive antenna to detect where the energy is blocked, imbalanced or damaged. She is also able to identify the damaged energy structure (e.g. after a physical trauma) and repair it.  Priority is also given to restoring the grounding of the client to ensure an ongoing inflow of clean, fresh and high energies into the client’s energy system.  And the higher your aura vibrates, the better and more abundant your life becomes. At the end of the session the client’s energy field is embraced in a bubble of higher light to help process the healing in the most serving way. 


How you benefit from this therapy

• you will feel lighter and more stable

• you will be more clear and focused- your mental functions will improve

• you will naturally release any non-serving, dense energies previously held in the congested energy field

• you will activate your bodies’ natural healing mechanisms to help it regain its balance

• you will feel more at ease with life

• you will feel more calm and peaceful 

• you will feel more resilient to face life situations

• you will feel stronger and more re-vitalised

Where this therapy can be applied

• Family and relationship issues
• Emotional problems
• Mental fatigue
• Sleep difficulties
• Lack of concentration
• Post operative healing
• Headaches, pains and aches
• Feeling stuck, lack of motivation
• Limiting beliefs
• Stress related diseases

This mode of healing involves engagement of higher energies; therefore, it is not recommended to clients with epilepsy, implanted pacemaker or during pregnancy.

After a distant healing session

After healing some changes can be felt almost immediately. Deeper healing process will continue to take place for 7-28 days. As you body starts healing, you may feel a little tired, emotionally sensitive and naturally drawn to take rest. This is a normal reaction which can last for up to a day after the session and then you will feel stronger, more balanced and energized. After the session it is advisable to avoid rushing around and visiting busy places to aid healing process. 

Booking an energy field healing session at a distance 

Please email your request for distant healing with your current photograph and your details (full name, date of birth and current home address) to quantectherapyinfo@gmail.com. Your investment for this service is £100, payable to the below UK bank account prior to carrying out a session:

account number:10996666 , sort code: 11-10-86

International clients: IBAN GB67HLFX11108610996666, BIC HLFXGB21M26

Energy Field Healing session can be repeated every 4-6 weeks. 

Depending on your situation, it is usually advisable to initially have 4-6 sessions. 

Please familiarise yourself with the clinic’s terms and conditions