How is radionics perceived by media

Back in 2009 The Telegraph published an interesting article on radionics, introducing it as the healing art of the twentieth century and highlighting how successful it was at treating all sorts of ailments and illnesses in humans and animals as well as crops and soil. Despite the fact that its origins date back to the 1900s, it is still not a very well known and largely unexplained healing mode.

The author of the article quoted one of radionics practitioners who had explained how this therapy was carried out and how highly effective it was with her clients. However, she had also stressed that  it was very time consuming from the practitioner’s perspective. It involved going through a detailed questionnaire with the client to establish where a health problem was, then tuning in the radionic apparatus to specific vibrational rates manually and sending the healing vibrations to the client from afar. If you are interested in reading the full article please check the link below:

From radionic boxes to quantum technology devices

Ten years on, radionics as a branch of vibrational medicine has evolved dramatically, owing to the latest technological advances and a German radionic practitioner and naturopath- Peter von Buengner. He had a vision to combine the most advanced technology with the extra-sensory skills of radionic therapist to increase the healing potential of radionics and broaden its area of application. The result of his efforts was a cutting edge new radionic device called Quantec (Quantum technology) which can be used practically in every area of our life.

Quantec and biocommunication

quantec therapy birmingham oldbury

Quantec is a radionic device like no other and utilizes the phenomenon of biocommunication which is well known in nature. All living organisms have the ability to communicate with each other in a way which is beyond our perception and measurement. By the same token, our cells, tissues, organs in our body receive and transmit information all the time. This is called biocommunication. When we involve some sort of device or instrument e.g. Quantec into this communication chain it will become instrumental biocommunication.

Instrumental biocommunication is a technique of devising an instrument in such a way that it can behave like a biological system/ living organism i.e. it can receive and interpret information from other living organisms as well as transmit it back as well. And again this process takes place beyond the perception that our five senses allow.

How does Quantec work?

Quantec works with a skillful radionic practitioner and computerized system compromised of a wide range of databases available to diagnose and treat various ailments and diseases as well as address other needs and issues, e.g. education, career, coaching, veterinary medicine, agriculture, breeding animals etc. For Quantec to engage and communicate with living organisms, it needs an interface or a communication channel which is the white noise diode that is built in it. This technology has been researched for a long time at various universities (e.g. University of Princeton) and it has been proved beyond doubt that diodes with white noise (it is called white as it appears on the black screen as white dots during tests) interact with consciousness (human) and hence can be used as an interface between consciousness and computers. The noise of the Quantec diode can be compared to a radio which is not tuned to any station to start with. However, when the white noise is connected with consciousness (radionic practitioner), it interacts with it and changes. These very changes are picked up and interpreted by the computer and utilized by Quantec to search its databases for relevant therapies (e.g. homeopathy, acupuncture, Bach remedies and many more) which are administered in the form of balancing vibrations sent at a distance at certain intervals throughout a set period of time.

How does Quantec know where to send healing vibrations?

A current photograph of a person or object is required to carry out Quantec therapy. Quantec scans the client’s photo, identifies a problem or issue and chooses treatment or a remedy which is sent to them to harmonize their imbalanced energy. It utilizes the process of entanglement of twin photons to do that i.e. the photons in the client’s photo remain in simultaneous contact with each other over any distance, so when we sent harmonizing energy to the photo, it also received by the person themselves. Quantum physics explains this phenomenon very well.  If you would like more information about Quantec therapy please click here.

quantec therapy processQuantec therapy now available in UK

Therapy with Quantec is now available in the UK. Clients can be can be treated in the comfort of your own home anywhere in the world. To find out how Quantec therapy can help you maintain your health and well being, support your animals or other goals you may wish to achieve, please contact Quantec therapist.

If you would like to read more interesting reading about radionics please click here.