Quantec® therapy- what is it?

Quantec Therapy is an innovative alternative therapy based on energy medicine, which works through the human energy field and assumes that both, health and illness, have a unique vibration characteristic for them. Knowledge of these vibrations makes it possible to distinguish between a healthy organ and a sick one, difficult emotions and positive ones, a problem and a remedy for it. Quantec can detect these energy vibrations in the body at the physical and energetic level (mental, emotional and spiritual) and identify the root cause of problems. Each disorder first appears in the energy field, and after some time it starts manifesting in the physical body. Therefore, any therapy that works on the physical body alone without identifying a deeper energetic cause behind the physical ailment brings unsatisfactory results or simply does not work.

Quantec is a radionic device which is used  to detect and diagnose  various types of diseases, disorders, mental and emotional problems and traumas at the physical and energetic level.  Once these problems are identified, Quantec selects an appropriate therapy based on the client’s needs. Quantec therapy is safe and non-invasive, because it involves sending specific frequency vibrations that act on the specific problems which help restore normal energy flows and bring back balance in the body and energy field.

Energy balancing with Quantec® step by step

1. To carry out an energy balancing with Quantec® a current photograph of a person who will be treated is required. A photograph contains an enormous amount of information about the person and reflects their current energetical state. Quantec® works with plants, animals, companies and other objects. The area of application of Quantec® therapy is very wide.

2. The client’s photograph is then scanned by Quantec®. The device detects energy imbalance, blocks and deficiencies in the energy field. It identifies the areas that needs attention at that moment i.e. whatever needs balancing, correcting or supplementing at the physical and energetical level. Energy imbalance can be detected 6-8 months before an illness manifests in the physical body. Energy balancing with Quantec® commenced early can prevent a disease from developing.

3. Next, Quantec® chooses the most suitable therapy for the client. Energy balancing with Quantec® is an individual therapy and is client specific; it delivers what the client needs at that time. It is produced in the form of a healing sheet that the client receives alongside an explanatory report with the findings that are then discussed on the telephone or email depending on the client’s preference.

4. Lastly, Quantec® will send an energy balancing therapy at a distance at individually set intervals. The length of the therapy will depend on the individual circumstances. After the initial three months, the client can choose how long they wish to continue with therapy.

Does it work and how quickly?

Quantec® therapy is a very effective way of balancing the energy field. Animals and children tend to be very open and receptive to energy therapies and health improvement is noted very quickly with them. Adult clients who are open to receive this therapy start feeling the benefits of the therapy a lot faster. Please note that a positive mental attitude and personal engagement in therapy (willingness to do their inner work) is vital with any kind of treatment including Quantec® therapy

Quantec therapy price list:

Option 1 Scan, healing sheet, report and feedback ( can be done  verbally by phone or by email) £125

Option 2 Scan, healing sheet, report and feedback by phone and 3 months of therapy £200, each subsequent month of therapy (4th month onwards) costs £50

Payments to be made to the UK bank account:

account number: 30096709 , sort code: 20-65-20

If you wish to pay by PayPal 5% extra on top of the fee applies due to PayPay charges. Payments to be made to PayPal account: agaw888@yahoo.com.