“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein
Old science
The world is currently facing the greatest healthcare crisis it has ever seen, with the epidemic of chronic diseases at the forefront, destroying our quality of life and threatening the health of future generations. Back in ancient times, people believed in the soul, a vital force residing in the physical body and treated nature as a living organism.
In modern times, old beliefs of our ancestors got replaced by the mechanistic worldview and we started to see ourselves, animals and nature more like machines with no soul or emotions. This led to the manipulation and exploitation of nature for the ‘right’, ‘scientific’ reasons that we continue to observe in today’s western society.

In the twenty first century surprisingly this mechanistic principle is still at the core of traditional medicine. The human body is treated as a machine and analyzed as a series of parts with replaceable ‘nuts and bolts’. Any illness present in the body is regarded as a malfunctioning of its certain part. Therefore, a physician’s role is to correct it physically or chemically i.e. prescribe a drug or cut out a bit of ‘bad’ flesh. Nobody asks a question as to why the illness has happened in the first place. Conventional medicine, focusing on the treatment of symptoms, does not usually eliminate the causes of the disease.

Out with the old, in with the new
Einstein and many other talented scientists challenged the mechanical concept of universe and showed us that matter is an illusion and the whole universe is nothing but energy. It is a whole, living and breathing organism that is extraordinarily complex and quantum in nature- i.e. everything including humans is energy, everything vibrates at a certain frequency. We are immersed in the sea of energy and interconnected with one another. People, nature and matter form a whole, a network whose individual elements interact with each other- these elements are called morphic or energy fields.

The new quantum theory proves that the human body can never be a machine made up of sum of its parts that can be mended in isolation and put back into the main unit. It revolutionizes the way we think about healthcare, healing and well-being. The cause of dis-ease or imbalance in the body comes from an imbalance in its energy flow (or imbalanced morphic fields) that needs balancing, correcting or strengthening to regain health and well-being.

New quantum medicine
From the latest developments stems new, revolutionary system based on instrumental biocommunication called Quantec® that is used to harmonize the human’s energy field. An ailment or dis-ease is a signal that the field is out of balance and when it’s corrected and balanced again, health and wellbeing is improved and enhanced. Quantec analyses the human’s energy field and detects imbalance and ailments and subsequently identifies the best therapy for the patient that is available in its database.