Disease centred approach
Allopathic medicine these days seems to perceive health mainly as an absence of disease. An illness, on the other hand, is seen more often as a natural state and experience that we all have to go through at some point in our lives. Sometimes it lasts shorter, sometimes longer and more often becomes chronic. Modern medicine is absolutely amazing when it comes to acute and emergency care with its wide range of therapies to treat life threatening conditions, broken bones, poisoning and other physical injuries. However, it’s not as good at dealing with chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes or autoimmune problems. It does appear to ignore the fact that all these diseases are preventable (you only need to know how) or reversible if identified early enough.

Modern healthcare focuses more on treating disease by using drugs that bring symptomatic relief but leaves us with more problems caused by their unwanted side effects or surgical quick fixes that again don’t tackle the root cause. Preventative measures and patient education are pretty much non-existent. Patients become very reliant on what the healthcare system offers them and hand over the responsibility for their health to doctors who ’know it all’ and don’t tend to question their decisions.
This is because we still think that our bodies are primarily physical objects made of very solid matter so we need ‘physical’ treatments (a pill, an operation) to repair them.

Energy medicine
It is quite ironic that conventional medicine diagnoses the human body energetically i.e. utilizing the latest quantum technologies and the most advanced diagnostic equipment such as MRI or PET scans but treats it ‘physically’ with invasive surgery and medication. No wonder it fails to keep up with the health challenges people are facing. Therefore, more and more of us turn to the complementary medicine to regain health, wellbeing and longevity.
An important shift from allopathic, disease focused medicine to healing centred preventative energy medicine is happening as we speak. It has become possible as people are ready to embrace a new understanding of the human body as a field of energy and information in the first instance, and secondly physical. Matter is also a form of energy so we are pure energy, no matter how we look at it. Energy beings such as humans need diagnostic equipment and therapies based on balancing energy fields we are made of.
In one of the Star Trek episodes on the Enterprise they used a special machine that could scan the body and then heal it with the right energies and frequencies. It was science fiction then but now it’s pure science. Such a device exists and works on a similar principle- it scans the photo of a person that contains all the information about the person’s body and tailors the most appropriate healing therapy sent in the form of harmonising frequencies. It is called Quantec. So whatever you aliment is- aches and pains, arthritis, diabetes or cancer, Quantec can help you balance your energy and improve your health and wellbeing.

Prevention better than cure
We are not victims looking for a saviour to fix us when something goes wrong. It is essential to take our power back from the doctor’s hands and take full responsibility for our health.
We can’t mistreat our bodies with toxic food, drink or drugs, live disconnected from nature in air-tight building and still expect good health and vitality. We need to put in an effort into maintaining our wellbeing. We have to take a pro-active approach and go out there and search for solutions for our problems. We need to provide our bodies with the essential elements that give us strength, vitality and health such as: fresh and organic whole foods, pure water, clean air, sunlight and stress-free natural environments infused with the earth’s natural magnetic fields.

Quantec can also help to prevent disease occuring in the first place by balancing and harmonising the whole energy field. An illness in the energetic form can be detected 6-8 months before it manifests in the body. Quantec detects unbalanced vibration of a disease and corrects it.