Why anti cellulite treatments don’t work

Cellulite or orange- peel skin is a condition where the skin develops lumps and dimples. The skin’s dimpled appearance is the result of fat cells pushing through the connective tissue under the skin causing lumpiness. Cellulite may affect both men and women and usually occurs in the buttocks, thighs or other areas. According to the…

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Why body detoxification is so important

What is detox? Detox or body cleansing has recently become very popular, although, not many people fully understand what it involves. For some people it means going on a special diet, avoiding certain foods or seeping smoothies full of nutrients. Detoxification means the process of removing toxic or harmful chemicals from the body. It may…

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What are internal toxins and how to remove them?

Almost every person living in today’s polluted world has some sort of internal toxins in their bodies. We are exposed to an enormous amount of toxic substances every single day- in water we drink, air we breathe or food we eat. Regular and ongoing exposure to harmful chemicals and other toxins leads to an accumulation…

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